SHA2017 orga meeting 20170401

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SHA2017 orga meeting 20170401
Name Orga Meeting
StartDate 2017/04/01 01:30:00 PM
EndDate 2017/04/01 6:00:00 PM
Where Technologia Incognita Louwesweg 1, Amsterdam 1066 EA which is in the ACTA building. (52.34557 4.82578)

This meeting is moved to April 1st 2017. Given it's April fools day, it's most likely to be the unfunniest meeting ever :D

The original date of this meeting was 25 March, but has been moved: that day is international hackerspace open door day.

Who will attend the this Meeting

Click edit and copy+paste+replace things to sign up... You can also use "Project=" instead of Team= or remove the Team= bit if you need to.

Name Team Comment
Gameoflife.png Attilla Nickname: Attilla

Team: Team:Projectleiding

User Martian Picture.jpg Martian Nickname: Martian

Team: Team:Content

Role: Co-Lead

HackerSpace: TkkrLab

Dect: 7641

User Stitch Picture.jpg Stitch Nickname: Stitch

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Role: He who walks behind the rows

HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL), AwesomeSpace (NL), RandomData (NL)

Dect: 5717

Team:Projectleiding Example comment
User Manduca Picture.jpg Manduca Nickname: Manduca

Team: Team:Logistics

Role: Team Lead

Dect: 3882

Gameoflife.png Lukkie Nickname: Lukkie

Team: Team:Logistics/Shuttle

Role: Teamlead Shuttle

User Knorrie Picture.jpg Knorrie Nickname: Knorrie

Team: Team:Logistics

Role: T34‖\/‖733T

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Village: Village:Mononoke

Dect: KNOR (5667)

User Sebastius Picture.jpg Sebastius Nickname: Sebastius

Team: Team:Logistics/Waste

Role: Waste Wizkid

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Dect: HACK

User Picture.jpg piele Nickname: piele

Team: Team:Sysadmin

HackerSpace: Techinc

Village: Village:deFEEST

Dect: 3833

Gameoflife.png Maikel Nickname: Maikel

Gameoflife.png jelena_balccon Nickname: jelena_balccon

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Village: Village:Balkan village

User Damnlie Picture.jpg Damnlie Nickname: Damnlie

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Role: the devil's advocate

HackerSpace: Techinc, LAG, Ijhack

Gameoflife.png Twi Nickname: Twi

Team: Team:POC

Role: Team Lead

HackerSpace: Entropia (CCC Karlsruhe), Stratum 0, Westwoodlabs

Village: Village:Entropolis

Dect: 8940

Gameoflife.png Pmenke Nickname: Pmenke

Team: Team:POC

Role: POC Member

HackerSpace: Westwoodlabs

Dect: (Of course ;-P)

User Boekenwuurm Picture.jpeg Boekenwuurm Nickname: Boekenwuurm

Team: Team:Info

HackerSpace: Bitlair

Gameoflife.png Sling Nickname: Sling

Team: Team:Volunteers

Role: Teamlead

HackerSpace: Awesomespace (NL)

Gameoflife.png AK47 Nickname: AK47

Team: Team:NOC

HackerSpace: Bitlair

Dect: 2547

Total 40 max: 100

Attendee distribution


Technologia Incognita, ACTA Broedplaats Louwesweg 1 1066 EA Amsterdam The Netherlands


Time What to do Who
12:00 Doors open and socializing or cross-team/pre-meets
13:30 Start of program, welcome Damnlie
13:33 Update from PL.
14:15 Specific team presentations (If its any please let me(damnlie) know or register it below)
+ 15:00 Team collaboration (work on things between teams)
17:30 Food is coming, please register for food, It's most likely to be Indian again, cause they have good vega and non-vega options in menus.
18:00 Free to go or Free to stay aka socializing in TechInc

Team Presentations

We will start the day with an update from PL. This will have the following topics:

  1. Your presentation here....
  • PL Update

Want to stay for dinner

Name Vegetarian Meat
User Damnlie Picture.jpg Damnlie Nickname: Damnlie

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Role: the devil's advocate

HackerSpace: Techinc, LAG, Ijhack

Total 40 max: 100

Carpool and pickups

  1. Your name here


  1. Your name and offer here...


  1. Your name and request here...

I would like to be there, but cannot

  1. Gameoflife.png Ralf Nickname: Ralf

    Team: Team:Volunteers

    Role: Team Member (focus heaven)

    HackerSpace: c-base, Entropia

    Dect: 7253

  2. link-3DUserEdkikkert (Open Huizen Dag, verkoop huis) Edkikkert (Open Huizen Dag, verkoop huis) Could not find information about Edkikkert (Open Huizen Dag, verkoop huis) .

    Is this user registered?
    Does this user have a profile?
    Is the correct casing used in the username?
  3. User DWizzy Picture.jpg DWizzy Nickname: DWizzy

    Team: Team:Info

    Role: Teamlead

    Dect: 8555