SHA2017 orga meeting 20160924

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SHA2017 orga meeting 20160924
Name Orga Meeting
StartDate 2016/09/24 12:00:00 doors open, 14:00 start
EndDate 2016/09/24 18:00:00, various optional activities in the evening
Where Pixelbar, Vierhavensstraat 56, 3029 BG Rotterdam




Time What to do
12:00 Doors of Pixelbar open
14:00 Start of programme, welcome
14:15 Round past all teams / projects and their status. Target of 2 minutes per team, max 3 minutes, 25 teams.
15:15 Structured "ethics" and "government" discussion
16:15 Lightningtalks (more info follows)
17:15 A team assignment
17:40 All options for networking with other teams and getting things done quickly
18:00 Closing and end of 'official' meeting. The rest of the programme is optional.
18:30 Ad-hoc food arrangement
19:00 Crack to the future (one or more talks about cracking software, basic level)
20:00 Slack to the future, enjoy!

For the Sunday we're looking if it's possible to visit the site for a moment. This has not been confirmed yet.

Location, getting there and parking

Pixelbar is located in Keilewerf, Rotterdam.

Pixelbar entrance parking.png

Entrance (for cars) is located at the arrow. Limited parking is available on the terrain of the building (green) and more parking is available on the terrain of the Praxis nearby (red).

Public transport: travel to Marconiplein and walk from there (5 minutes).

More info:


  1. Gameoflife.png jelena_balccon Nickname: jelena_balccon

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

    Village: Village:Balkan village

  2. Gameoflife.png Nickname:

    HackerSpace: Pixelbar

    Village: Village:milliways

  3. User 1sand0s Picture.jpg 1sand0s Nickname: 1sand0s

    Role: flinger of 1's and 0's

    HackerSpace: RandomData

  4. Gameoflife.png Vision Nickname: Vision

    Team: Team:Productiehuis

    HackerSpace: none

  5. User Rolfvandekrol Picture.jpg Rolfvandekrol Nickname: Rolfvandekrol

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

  6. User Stitch Picture.jpg Stitch Nickname: Stitch

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

    Role: He who walks behind the rows

    HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL), AwesomeSpace (NL), RandomData (NL)

    Dect: 5717

  7. Gameoflife.png redlizard Nickname: redlizard

    Team: Team:Terrain, Team:Teardown Mgmt, Team:Maps

    Role: Team Lead

  8. User Martian Picture.jpg Martian Nickname: Martian

    Team: Team:Content

    Role: Co-Lead

    HackerSpace: TkkrLab

    Dect: 7641

  9. Gameoflife.png Sling Nickname: Sling

    Team: Team:Volunteers

    Role: Teamlead

    HackerSpace: Awesomespace (NL)

  10. User Picture.jpg piele Nickname: piele

    Team: Team:Sysadmin

    HackerSpace: Techinc

    Village: Village:deFEEST

    Dect: 3833

  11. User Sebastius Picture.jpg Sebastius Nickname: Sebastius

    Team: Team:Logistics/Waste

    Role: Waste Wizkid

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

    Dect: HACK

  12. Veiligewebsite.jpg Maxell Nickname: Maxell

    Team: Team:Logistics/Warehouse

    Role: Warehouse Team Lead

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

    Dect: 6295

  13. User Boekenwuurm Picture.jpeg Boekenwuurm Nickname: Boekenwuurm

    Team: Team:Info

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

  14. Gameoflife.png Hobbybob Nickname: Hobbybob

    Team: Team:Decoratie

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

  15. User Thomascovenant Picture.jpg thomascovenant Nickname: thomascovenant

    Team: Team:Ticket and Entrance

    Role: Lead of Ticket and Entrance, also part of Infodesk

    HackerSpace: Techinc

    Village: Village:Milliways

  16. User Picture.jpg Stijn Nickname: Stijn

    Team: Team:Volunteers

    Role: Team Member

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

  17. User Netsmurf2 Picture.jpg Netsmurf2 Nickname: Netsmurf2

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

  18. Gameoflife.png Twi Nickname: Twi

    Team: Team:POC

    Role: Team Lead

    HackerSpace: Entropia (CCC Karlsruhe), Stratum 0, Westwoodlabs

    Village: Village:Entropolis

    Dect: 8940

  19. User Derchris Picture.jpg derchris Nickname: derchris

    Team: Team:Sysadmin

    HackerSpace: muCCC

    Village: Village:muCCC

    Dect: 3277

  20. Gameoflife.png Zeno4ever Nickname: Zeno4ever

    Team: Team:Infodesk

    HackerSpace: TkkrLab

  21. User Yeti Picture.jpg Yeti Nickname: Yeti

    HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

    Village: Village:SafeHarbour

  22. Gameoflife.png Walter Nickname: Walter

    Team: Team:Content

    Role: Team Member

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

  23. User Claudia Picture.jpg Claudia Nickname: Claudia

    Team: Team:Content

    Role: Co-Lead

    Village: Village:HackFaction

  24. User Picture.jpg Kartoffel Nickname: Kartoffel

    Team: Projects:Badge

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

  25. Gameoflife.png Dave_o Nickname: Dave_o

    Team: Team:Productiehuis

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

    Dect: DAVE (3283) ?

  26. Gameoflife.png Eightdot Nickname: Eightdot

    Dect: 8368 (8dot) /

  27. Gameoflife.png Bix Nickname: Bix

    Team: Team:Productiehuis

    HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

  28. Gameoflife.png Pmenke Nickname: Pmenke

    Team: Team:POC

    Role: POC Member

    HackerSpace: Westwoodlabs

    Dect: (Of course ;-P)

  29. User Polyfloyd Picture.jpg polyfloyd Nickname: polyfloyd

    Team: Team:Decoratie

    Role: Team Lead

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

  30. Gameoflife.png Maikel Nickname: Maikel

  31. User TeQ Picture.jpg TeQ Nickname: TeQ

    HackerSpace: Pixelbar

  32. User IJskimo Picture.jpg IJskimo Nickname: IJskimo

    Team: Team:Infodesk

    Role: Teamleader

  33. User Marjolijstje Picture.jpg Marjolijstje Nickname: Marjolijstje

    Team: Team:Infodesk

  34. User Knorrie Picture.jpg Knorrie Nickname: Knorrie

    Team: Team:Logistics

    Role: T34‖\/‖733T

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

    Village: Village:Mononoke

    Dect: KNOR (5667)

  35. Gameoflife.png Juerd Nickname: Juerd

    Team: Team:Logistics

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

  36. Gameoflife.png Carola Nickname: Carola

    Team: Team:Family Village

  37. Gameoflife.png Gori Nickname: Gori

    Team: Team:Flyingcircus

    HackerSpace: RevSpace

  38. User Yashiko Picture.jpg Yashiko Nickname: Yashiko

    Team: Team:Flyingcircus

    Role: Decoration / Design

    HackerSpace: Walking Robot

  39. User Cooper Picture.jpg Cooper Nickname: Cooper

    Team: Team:Productiehuis

  40. link-3DUserFiremonkey Firemonkey Could not find information about Firemonkey .

    Is this user registered?
    Does this user have a profile?
    Is the correct casing used in the username?
  41. Gameoflife.png Warddr Nickname: Warddr

    Team: Team:Flyingcircus

    Role: Electronics

    HackerSpace: Voidwarranties,HSBXL

  42. Gameoflife.png berz_ Nickname: berz_

    Team: Team:Flyingcircus

    HackerSpace: VoidWarranties

  43. Gameoflife.png Herrbett Nickname: Herrbett

    Team: Team:POC

    Role: POC Slave

    HackerSpace: Entropia (CCC Karlsruhe)

    Dect: (for sure!)

  44. Gameoflife.png Mlp Nickname: Mlp

    Team: Team:Infrastructure

    HackerSpace: HSBXL

    Village: Village:Milliways

    + TQ
  45. User DWizzy Picture.jpg DWizzy Nickname: DWizzy

    Team: Team:Info

    Role: Teamlead

    Dect: 8555

  46. Gameoflife.png jelena_balccon Nickname: jelena_balccon

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

    Village: Village:Balkan village

    ... further results
  47. Gameoflife.png milobit Nickname: milobit

  48. Your name here...

I would like to be there, but cannot

  1. Gameoflife.png AK47 Nickname: AK47

    Team: Team:NOC

    HackerSpace: Bitlair

    Dect: 2547

  2. User Manduca Picture.jpg Manduca Nickname: Manduca

    Team: Team:Logistics

    Role: Team Lead

    Dect: 3882

  3. Cavedude
  4. Gameoflife.png Mr seeker Nickname: Mr seeker

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

    Role: secretary

    HackerSpace: Techinc

    Dect: HELL (4355)

  5. Maeddoc-SHA2017-rolle.jpg Maeddoc Nickname: Maeddoc

    Team: Team:Logistics

    HackerSpace: Bitlair, RevSpace

    Dect: eth0 (3840)

  6. Gameoflife.png MikeTango Nickname: MikeTango

  7. Gameoflife.png Hvwees Nickname: Hvwees

    Team: Team:Family Village

  8. Gameoflife.png dvanzuijlekom Nickname: dvanzuijlekom

    HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

  9. Gameoflife.png
  10. Gameoflife.png Attilla Nickname: Attilla

    Team: Team:Projectleiding

Carpool and pickups


  1. Your name and offer here...



  1. Your name and request here...


Some people asked for cheap and acceptable hostels in the area.

Tested are (in order of niceness):