Productiehuis bikeshed 20170610

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Productiehuis bikeshed 20170610
Team Productiehuis
Name Productiehuis bike-shed
Start At 2017/06/10 12:00:00 - 2017/06/10 18:00:00
Where Hack42 probably the meeting/museum room.
Main Subjects - Bike-shed all the plans so we make sure we haven't forgotten anything

- Familiarize ourselves more with the hardware we are going to use

Organizer User:Bix,


  - Bike-shed all the plans so we make sure we haven't forgotten anything
     - Review the Quote from AV rental house to check if we haven't forgotten anything
     - How are we going to also record (and stream) workshops (request from Content)?
     - Are we / How are we going to record and stream the Lounge?
     - Discuss Intro's and Outro's
     - Think about frequency list (mic's)
  - Familiarize ourselves more with the hardware we are going to use

Please add our name here if you are planning to attend:

Name Team Comment
Gameoflife.png Bix Nickname: Bix

Team: Team:Productiehuis

HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

Team:Productiehuis Example comment
Gameoflife.png Dave_o Nickname: Dave_o

Team: Team:Productiehuis

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Dect: DAVE (3283) ?

Team:Productiehuis Public transit
Gameoflife.png PsychiC Nickname: PsychiC

Team: Team:Productiehuis

HackerSpace: ACKspace

Village: Village:ACKspace

Team:Productiehuis ETA 1400
Total 3