SHA2017 orga meeting 20170603

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SHA2017 orga meeting 20170603
Name Orga Meeting
StartDate 2017/06/03 01:30:00 PM
EndDate 2017/06/03 5:30:00 PM
Where Hack42, The Chapel, Koningsweg 31a, 6816 TG Arnhem, The Netherlands


Hack42, The Chapel, Koningsweg 31a, 6816 TG Arnhem, The Netherlands


- Short status updates by teams - Working together in and between teams

- Around dinner ad-hoc food will be organized.

This time we foresee it to be much warmer AND if the weather is not helping, it still will be more warmer since the heating is fixed :)

Who will attend this Meeting

Click edit and copy+paste+replace things to sign up... You can also use "Project=" instead of Team= or remove the Team= bit if you need to.

Name Team Comment
User Stitch Picture.jpg Stitch Nickname: Stitch

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Role: He who walks behind the rows

HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL), AwesomeSpace (NL), RandomData (NL)

Dect: 5717

Team:Projectleiding Example comment
Gameoflife.png Mr seeker Nickname: Mr seeker

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Role: secretary

HackerSpace: Techinc

Dect: HELL (4355)

Veiligewebsite.jpg Maxell Nickname: Maxell

Team: Team:Logistics/Warehouse

Role: Warehouse Team Lead

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Dect: 6295

User Boekenwuurm Picture.jpeg Boekenwuurm Nickname: Boekenwuurm

Team: Team:Info

HackerSpace: Bitlair

Gameoflife.png Dave_o Nickname: Dave_o

Team: Team:Productiehuis

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Dect: DAVE (3283) ?

Gameoflife.png Sling Nickname: Sling

Team: Team:Volunteers

Role: Teamlead

HackerSpace: Awesomespace (NL)

link-3DUserTatiana Tatiana Could not find information about Tatiana .

Is this user registered?
Does this user have a profile?
Is the correct casing used in the username?
User Knorrie Picture.jpg Knorrie Nickname: Knorrie

Team: Team:Logistics

Role: T34‖\/‖733T

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Village: Village:Mononoke

Dect: KNOR (5667)

User Sebastius Picture.jpg Sebastius Nickname: Sebastius

Team: Team:Logistics/Waste

Role: Waste Wizkid

HackerSpace: RevSpace

Dect: HACK

Team:Logistics/Waste Also Project=Badge
Gameoflife.png redlizard Nickname: redlizard

Team: Team:Terrain, Team:Teardown Mgmt, Team:Maps

Role: Team Lead

Team:Buildup Mgmt Also Team:Maps
User Denz Picture.jpg denz Nickname: denz

Team: Team:Bar

HackerSpace: Hack42

User Claudia Picture.jpg Claudia Nickname: Claudia

Team: Team:Content

Role: Co-Lead

Village: Village:HackFaction

Gameoflife.png Bix Nickname: Bix

Team: Team:Productiehuis

HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

User Rolfvandekrol Picture.jpg Rolfvandekrol Nickname: Rolfvandekrol

Team: Team:Projectleiding

Team:Projectleiding Will leave at about 17:00
User Polyfloyd Picture.jpg polyfloyd Nickname: polyfloyd

Team: Team:Decoratie

Role: Team Lead

HackerSpace: Bitlair

Team:Decoratie ʢ◉ᴥ◉ʡ
User Moem Picture.jpg Moem Nickname: Moem

Team: Team:Decoratie

Role: Pretty-upper and maker of stuff

HackerSpace: Hack42 (NL)

Dect: 6636 (MOEM)

Total 26 max: 100

Attendee distribution

Below information auto-updates depending on the attendees that are signed up in the above list.

I would like to be there, but cannot

  • Sigyn, I will be joining Team42 at *Roparun* in my roll as Teamlead Catering and Beverage
  • Scrumpy
  • Martian
  • Attilla, I will be enjoying the sun in Barcelona :P

Carpool and pickups

  1. link-3DUserUsername Username Could not find information about Username .

    Is this user registered?
    Does this user have a profile?
    Is the correct casing used in the username?
    - Pickups / Rideshare request, etc and contact information.