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Person Responsible User:Moem
Status ready
Budget Required 500
Budget Granted 500
buildup from
buildup duration
buildup orga
buildup angels
teardown from
teardown duration
teardown orga
teardown angels

Flags/banners like the ones EMF did in 2016, but totally different. Picture courtesy of Dvanzuijlekom https://www.flickr.com/photos/dvanzuijlekom/


Not really.



  • 150 meters of unbleached cotton
  • 16 liters of acrylic paint
  • 6 paint rollers, trays, handles, and broom sticks
  • Sewing yarn
  • 300 bamboo sticks

Made so far: 100 flags.

100 is a good MVP. We'll take some stuff to buildup and see if there are any bored people to help us.

Howto: Buildup

Installation consists of

  • cutting and painting remaining fabric
  • sewing or stapling painted fabric, creating a tunnel on one short end
  • cutting bamboo sticks to size
  • attaching bamboo sticks to tents, poles, trees and other existing structures (tie-wraps)
  • slipping the tunnel over the bamboo stick, making a hole in the middle and securing the flag with a tie wrap

Teams of 2 angels can do this. More teams means less time. As the numbers of flags we can manage to make is yet unknown it's hard to saw how much time is required.

Howto: Teardown

  • Peope can take flags home. Many of them will disappear during teardown.
  • Bamboo can be burnt or thrashed.
  • There is no need to carefully collect all the flags, they have very little volume and will not even be noticeable in the general waste.